The event called SEN meets cosplayer- different ,Not less.- The different not less is tag for people with disabilities. specifically for autism. The society always think the people with autism are not normal,they less and those who are different as being less, or that people who have disabilities are less deserving of employment, independence, education, and friendship. And this event want to prove, that what NORMAL kids can do,the SEN can do it too.
QIWI TEAM organize this event in cooperation with World Trade Center- The Mall to show to everyone that people with disabilities are NOT less valued or NOT thought to be expendable and less than deserving of life.
The support of the cosplayers are the best part of the shows. they will carry the SEN as a different ,NOT LESS. It's an equal standpoint that while they can perform. the SEN can do it too. they will dance and take the goth costume on stage. The SEN can do to as well.
The C00 of QIWI Technologies , Ms. Lilac Schonberg - said, as the person with ABA and Technology background who run the robotic for autism campaign anywhere ,always wanted to come up an event like this to the purposes of Autism awareness.